fredag 2 mars 2012

Första steget taget mot ett Raoul Wallenberg-rum i Europaparlamentet!

I början av februari skickade jag, på uppdrag av alla mina tjugo svenska europaparlamentariker-kollegor, ett brev till Europaparlamentets talman Martin Schultz angående Wallenberg-året.

Brevet löd som följer:

President Schulz,

I have the pleasure of forwarding to you this letter, on behalf of all the twenty Swedish Members of the European Parliament.

As you may know, this year marks the 100th birthday of European citizen Raoul Wallenberg. Wallenberg is one of the most well-known Europeans. His name is deeply associated with European values such as humanity, individual courage, and the fight against anti-semitism and intolerance. He saved tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews during the last years of the Second World War.

We therefore call upon you, as President for this parliament, to ensure that a room or space in our parliament premises is named after Raoul Wallenberg this year.

We also request a meeting between yourself and representatives of the eight Swedish party delegations to discuss this matter in further details.

We hope you will consider this request positively and we look much forwards to your reponse.

With best regards,

Olle Schmidt

Igår kom det ett mycket glädjande brevsvar från Mr Schultz.

Dear Mr Schmidt,
Dear Swedish Members,

Thank you very much for your email requesting that a space in the European Parliament be named after Raoul Wallenberg in commemoration of his 100th birthday.

Raoul Wallenberg was indeed a prominent European that led one of the most extensive and successful rescue efforts during the Holocaust by preventing the deportation of tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.

In the light of the above, I would like to convey my full support for your proposal and undertake to take your request to the competent body in the House, the Bureau, in line with Rule 23.2 of the Rules of Procedure.

Yours sincerely,
Martin Schulz

Med detta svar är det första steget taget mot ett Raoul Wallenberg-rum i Europaparlamentet!

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